Who are we?

A collaboration of Teachers, trained Tutors, Scribes and Facilitators with a passion to work together with young people so that they are achieving their personal best. We facilitate multi-dimensional learning, growth and development in the young people that we work with.

Study Collab is focussed on providing high quality, personalised and effective educational support by the best!

Our focus

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Life's changes and challenges

The world is changing at a rapid pace. Technology, robots, extensive and instant access to knowledge, increased connectivity and isolation, day-to-day pressures and so the list goes on. Young people are being faced with these changes and increased challenges and are needing to adapt. 

STUDY COLLAB works to come alongside young people to provide strategy and technique in adapting well to the ever-increasing demands of life using tutoring and educational services as a tool. We aim to be a role player in ensuring that the youth are flourishing now and getting ready for life after school. 

Working together and learning from each other has proven over and over to be effective and valuable for deep learning to take place. It creates a sense of togetherness and community, components vital to the progression and well-being of humans. That's where we come in!